Friday, January 19, 2018

Kids say the darnest things

Wasn’t that a TV show, Kids Say the Darnest Things? Yeah I think so- but we can’t talk about it since the host turned out to be a predator... but it was. And I’ve always known kids to say funny things at the most inopportune times from my dance teaching days.... but now I have one of those little parrots in my house listening 24/7!!! AAAAAH!

Here’s the thing, pre-kids, my husband’s and my language usage was pretty colorful, we have tried to quiet that extravagance now that we have copycats at home... but sometimes old habits die hard! For example, my preferred term to our situation when we go out with all 3 of our little guys is “sh*tshow.” I have been using this term for a few months now- and was in no way influenced by he who shall not be named’s “shithole.” My term is also used in jest- not seriously.... I can (obviously) take a joke without running to Twitter, unlike some idiots. But, I digress. Oh! By the by, words such as “ but” or “butt” and  even the word “BUTtons” are met with giggles at my house these days, as are fart, toot, and so many more. And it is so difficult to sensor oneself on a day to day- even with the tiny hall monitor sounding its alarm: 
 “mommy you said a bad word” ...
 “yes sweetie, mommy’s a grown up, but I’m sorry I won’t say it again.” 
“When I’m 4, I’ll be a grown up and I’ll say ALL the bad words” #SMH

Forgive me! I’m trying to censor myself! As is my husband! So when the playground was met with an f bomb from our Sweet cherub of a son, we created a new term to be used in times of frustration and excitement alike  GOLLY PIFFLE! Please, feel free to use it too, maybe it’ll be a new trend, and we will have coined it- golly piffle that would be cool! So, at least our household is no longer met with (as much) profanity, but instead, with golly piffle and a giggle for the most part. 

So, I hope your day is met with instances of excitement and you can try it out, golly piffle. Go ahead, say it aloud, it rolls off the tongue with a sense of satisfaction.... you just said it didn’t you? Well, golly piffle I’m proud of you. And golly piffle I’m also glad it’s Friday! 

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