Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It Takes a Village

Have you read HRC’s Children’s book? It is so perfectly illustrated, so mature, smart and inclusive beyond words. And so the #truth. It takes a village.

The more I grow up, the more my family seems to multiply, the more I am astounded by my parents’ bravery in moving to a new foreign country with 2 young kids, and (essentially) no village... how did they do it? I have no clue, now from the other side I admire them even more. I am forever grateful for them not only raising us as (I’d like to think) good humans, but maintaining their sanity throughout. You see, my sister and I were 7&10 when we moved to NJ for a short stint, to a few little (adorable) tiny towns with-from what I can recall- little to no immigrants- my question is, those first few years who did she turn to? FaceTime and Skype were not things, the internet -get ready for this-had.not.been.invented.yet. #imold. I do remember one or two families we befriended who were also Brazilian... maybe there was a mama village albeit small that I just don’t remember as I was so young and oblivious. Once we moved to O-town, things must have gotten better. The village grew, thank goodness... that family of mine is all sorts of realness and amazing. Even as a kid, I needed that. Stop, as I read this I realize I am not being fair. My family in Brazil is amazing-but they’re in Brasil.... so O-town clan became it for celebrations, successes, failures, sicknesses, all of it. And I am forever grateful. 

As they grow, we will try to make the kids see just how lucky we are to have an amazing village opening up their homes and hearts to us as we survive these first few years. It’s a season people keep telling me. I love everyday and everyday simultaneously exhausts me so. It is such a beautiful, chaotic, nerve racking experience I never could have imagined and believe me I tried. 

Today we had an impromptu visit from a dear friend and it rejuvenated me, I borrowed some spaghetti sauce from a neighbor and it lightened my load, I am so glad for these people who make life a little easier everyday. Golly piffle where would I be without them? Probably a slobbering mess feeding my kids tortelini dry, maybe dipped in salsa eww. 

I digress... My husband is the most generous human I have ever met, he is jovial, he is kind, he is funny, he is sweeter than the sweetest candy you have ever tasted. He makes me want to give everything I own to anyone deserving simply because it’s the right thing to do. He makes me a better human. It’s like he is the mayor of this little village of mine; at least in my eyes he is. We try to return the favor to this little village of ours and beyond... we are kind in our family, we open up our home to any and everyone, I can only hope our littles see it and live this way as they grow into adults. Cheers to trying to make the world a better place- thanks to all of you. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Apple juice

Why aren’t iPhone chargers called apple juice? I’m so punny, go ahead you can think it, you can say it aloud. Or you can chuckle at me or with me- smile, it gives us life. If I were an iPhone, I got some apple juice this morning. But I’m not, I’m a mama, so I got a mimosa and coffee and conversation ... at brunch... with my mama posse. It was glorious, a wonderful way to recharge my battery.

Prior to having little ones I didn’t fully grasp the concept of how time away from the kids makes you appreciate them more- makes you a better parent. It is so true, so necessary! As we move forward, as this insanity becomes a more manageable reality, we learn, (and I personally am learning) that we need time for us... not just date night, not just work time with other adults- who can bring us out of diapers and nick jr-for some “me” time. Frivolous time essentially misconstrued as unnecessary, but here’s a tip for new moms: IT IS SO INCREDIBLY ESSENTIAL!!!! My husband and I have been trying to give each other some grace as of late, each one biting the bullet and allowing the other to take some time away, because that apple juice is so necessary for life, for a better tomorrow. 

You know what’s funny? I had wonderful conversation at brunch, finally, a conversation with a super intelligent group of women about concepts, ideas, our personal history, and every single topic of conversation came back to the babies, to the center of our worlds! Shows our love, right? Shows our insanity as mamas, we crave that time away to recharge yet our minds are never fully away. Here’s my question, does it ever go away? The feeling of being pulled in a million directions? I heard it gets worse once the kids are grown and not needing you 100%, once they move out and the worry is not just about a scraped knee or sticking their little hands in the toilet, but of driving, parties, bills, etc. Golly piffle life is rough.
One of my mentors tells me to worry is to not have faith. So I try not to worry but wow it’s difficult. Another one of my mentors has her kids spread out all over the world and I can’t imagine her worry, yet she encouraged them to conquer the world. What love these women have for their grown children. I strive to be more like them everyday. AND remind myself to get some apple juice- or orange juice & champagne... because as my very first mentor in life told me before I went to college: everything in moderation. It has stuck with me, food, alcohol, kids, dance- everything in moderation. Where would I be without these women giving me the keys to the world?

 I am the luckiest- Ben Folds knew it when he wrote that song. 

So, today, how are YOU going to recharge your battery? Give yourself some grace, give your partner some space, share the love not only for your kids, but for yourself. You matter too. 💋

Friday, January 19, 2018

Kids say the darnest things

Wasn’t that a TV show, Kids Say the Darnest Things? Yeah I think so- but we can’t talk about it since the host turned out to be a predator... but it was. And I’ve always known kids to say funny things at the most inopportune times from my dance teaching days.... but now I have one of those little parrots in my house listening 24/7!!! AAAAAH!

Here’s the thing, pre-kids, my husband’s and my language usage was pretty colorful, we have tried to quiet that extravagance now that we have copycats at home... but sometimes old habits die hard! For example, my preferred term to our situation when we go out with all 3 of our little guys is “sh*tshow.” I have been using this term for a few months now- and was in no way influenced by he who shall not be named’s “shithole.” My term is also used in jest- not seriously.... I can (obviously) take a joke without running to Twitter, unlike some idiots. But, I digress. Oh! By the by, words such as “ but” or “butt” and  even the word “BUTtons” are met with giggles at my house these days, as are fart, toot, and so many more. And it is so difficult to sensor oneself on a day to day- even with the tiny hall monitor sounding its alarm: 
 “mommy you said a bad word” ...
 “yes sweetie, mommy’s a grown up, but I’m sorry I won’t say it again.” 
“When I’m 4, I’ll be a grown up and I’ll say ALL the bad words” #SMH

Forgive me! I’m trying to censor myself! As is my husband! So when the playground was met with an f bomb from our Sweet cherub of a son, we created a new term to be used in times of frustration and excitement alike  GOLLY PIFFLE! Please, feel free to use it too, maybe it’ll be a new trend, and we will have coined it- golly piffle that would be cool! So, at least our household is no longer met with (as much) profanity, but instead, with golly piffle and a giggle for the most part. 

So, I hope your day is met with instances of excitement and you can try it out, golly piffle. Go ahead, say it aloud, it rolls off the tongue with a sense of satisfaction.... you just said it didn’t you? Well, golly piffle I’m proud of you. And golly piffle I’m also glad it’s Friday! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dogs- A man’s best friend

Ok so I got married in September and I wanted to be pregnant by December of that same year. It may have been my first lesson in life that you can’t always get what you want 🎶.... it was so difficult, I felt like a failure. A failure as a woman, a failure as a (newlywed) wife, a failure as a person who plans it all ahead of time. You could say it was my first lesson in patience.

Fast forward to May, my very supportive husband’s birthday. As a surprise I got him a dog! A bull mastiff puppy weighing in at 18lbs! Harlie! We were so in love! I was temporarily distracted from that baby fever. I dressed that dog up, I put heated blankets on her during winter, she was spoiled to say the least. I needed to nurture someone and she won the lottery in that aspect! Fast forward 2 years, still no human baby but I convinced my (still supportive) husband to get another puppy! So we did... and I remember a friend of mine telling me “once you have kids your dogs will NOT be your priority, in fact they’ll be a nuisance.” And I remember thinking “pshhh NOT me, not my baby dogs!” My dog babies, by the way, a funny antecdote, we brought home our 2nd dog, Dakota, on a Saturday and found out we were expecting our first child that Tuesday... THREE.days.later. The amount of morning sickness that coincided with the  puppy potty training should have been my first indication of the years ahead. As my belly grew, so did Dakota. By the time baby boy made his appearance, our dogs weighed in at 89 and 99 pounds!

And now, years later, with three babies and two (giant) dogs, most of the time our house feels crowded. With three babies and two (giant) dogs our priorities have shifted. With three (young) babies and two (giant) dogs, their size seems daunting. With three babies and two (giant) dogs, in a way, Harlie’s lottery win has faded. But, she’s earned one puppy sister and three human siblings. The dogs are so loved, by the kids especially, they always want to cuddle and climb and feed the puppies. But, BUT, that need to nurture them I had when Harlie was tiny, has overflowed to the trio of completely dependent tots and the doggies have been demoted- they’re not always our priority and they (mostly their strong wagging tails and loud barks -during naptime!!!!) are sometimes viewed as a nuisance. I stand corrected. Pfffffft

However, there is a saying that states you don’t choose your family, they choose you. Harlie and Dakota are part of our little family. They keep us safe from leaves 🍁 blowing in the wind, they keep our fenced in backyard safe from neighbors who want to enjoy their own backyard, they sound their bark-alarm anytime the mailman dares to cross our property line... they’re incredibly patient as the kids want to ride the horsey, they’re incredibly patient as they’re fed toddler sticky treats and (secretly) fruit snacks, they’re incredibly patient as our focus is on keeping the trio alive and well. Maybe one day our focus will shift and the valance will sway their way again. Maybe one day the tiny tots will grow older and become best friends and nurture each other!   

These (giant) dogs were my therapy for a long time. It’s all I can do to keep them here, loved, tot-abused, tot-treat-fed, because I won the puppy lottery... as much as I’ve shifted- golly piffle, they’re always there.

That pic was taken almost 8 years ago!!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Snow Day

Hello from the other side 🎶

Snow days are the BEST thing in the world. You can stay home! You don’t have to go to work! You can laze around in your pajamas all day! You technically don’t have to get anything done because it’s like a bonus day! A get out of jail free card! Enjoy the laziness!

... that is unless you have a small army of toddlers and/or infants running your household. I’ve become the cynic, the parent who cringes at the words “snow day” in fact there might have been a little tear at the thought of another housebound day with kids who today were literally jumping off furniture- bouncing off the walls. Activities, outdoors, and distraction are all necessary tools for survival! Today was frigid here and we exhausted all our possibilities ... it was a long day! And then, tonight, kids (and teachers) everywhere were jumping for joy because tomorrow? Snow day again! For frigid temps! You know what that means? Too cold to go any.where. And NO beautiful fluffy snow to play in/distract! It’s cruel! So... I’m pulling out all the stops tomorrow, and my type A personality self made a list. So if you’re like me and need a list here’s mine: 

And my almost 4 year old helped me.... so some details are irrelevant but we’re VERY important

1. Make Jello Jigglers: dinosaur and circle ones 
2. Make banana bread 
3. Make a fort/ color a cardboard box
4. Bounce house (we have one in the basement)
5. Bowling w household items 
6. Make necklaces out of pasta and string 
7. Make an obstacle course
8. Survive!

Now as I sit here in my pajamas all of that sounds way too ambitious. But tomorrow is a new day and golly piffle it will be a great -albeit cold- day!!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

I’m baaaaaaaack

People have been asking me what happened to this blog. I’d like to think you all miss my witty and hilarious banter. More realistically you’re probably going through withdrawal from all the giggling you did at my naive and somewhat dense reactions to this life— surviving a life of 3 kids three years old and under is... funny. The struggle is real.

I’m gonna get deep for a second. I started an entry when baby girl turned 17 months old. It was going to be a deep meaningful post about how her first 17 months changed my outlook on life (which they did). And how she was almost 18 months- and how proud I am of her, of us, for surviving it and showing the world, medicine, the cruel ones, that we are warriors because we did it all and mostly with a smile- even through the pain and tears- but then it got too serious. And I kept thinking and rethinking about whether she would like to read (years down the line) a blog about her first 17 months and how she’d react, and so, with all that thinking, I kept putting it off- I procrastinated... for 2 months. Sooooo, we aren’t going to go there. She’s 19 months, she’s amazing, she’s the reason I can stand in the light, hell, she’s the light of my life. Her brothers are the wind beneath my wings and their dad brings out my fiery temper (ha!). I’m in love, moreso everyday, with these 4 humans that make my life. So there, I procrastinated... even though I hate to. And worst of all out of fear. Life is daunting sometimes, so we gotta laugh a little and then we come back and remember that, today, I chose to chase the kids in the mall... don’t tell my husband he was right and it was insanity. But that’s what we chose to do today in this “heat wave” of a high of 43 degrees. Have I mentioned I hate winter? But I love caffeine. I’ve had a lot of THAT today. 

So! Welcome back! Welcome to 2018! It’s gonna be an amazing year! Don’t we say that every year? I read somewhere that January is like the Monday of a new year every time. But it’s good, a fresh new beginning. Resolutions? Everyone’s got them! Exercise more, eat healthy, do this, don’t do that. I say, live in moderation... except with cookies and cake- golly piffle- I love those too much to ever limit myself.  This year is going to be the best ever, I’ve already outdone myself with planning 2/3 kids’ birthday parties (even though one is in June)... I got excited, ok? I haven’t worked out- I blame the winter blues for that- but that’s what February is for! Or the other 10 months. 

So here’s to you, to your resolutions. As for me, I’m just writing and posting funny quotes on a board everyday. My resolution(ish) is to make my friends smile, even if for a minute each day. And to try to live a happy life- with cake, and bread, and these crazies that keep my world spinning round and round. Maybe I should resolve to quit procrastinating and go wash some bottles? Meh maybe not- who knows!