Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It Takes a Village

Have you read HRC’s Children’s book? It is so perfectly illustrated, so mature, smart and inclusive beyond words. And so the #truth. It takes a village.

The more I grow up, the more my family seems to multiply, the more I am astounded by my parents’ bravery in moving to a new foreign country with 2 young kids, and (essentially) no village... how did they do it? I have no clue, now from the other side I admire them even more. I am forever grateful for them not only raising us as (I’d like to think) good humans, but maintaining their sanity throughout. You see, my sister and I were 7&10 when we moved to NJ for a short stint, to a few little (adorable) tiny towns with-from what I can recall- little to no immigrants- my question is, those first few years who did she turn to? FaceTime and Skype were not things, the internet -get ready for this-had.not.been.invented.yet. #imold. I do remember one or two families we befriended who were also Brazilian... maybe there was a mama village albeit small that I just don’t remember as I was so young and oblivious. Once we moved to O-town, things must have gotten better. The village grew, thank goodness... that family of mine is all sorts of realness and amazing. Even as a kid, I needed that. Stop, as I read this I realize I am not being fair. My family in Brazil is amazing-but they’re in Brasil.... so O-town clan became it for celebrations, successes, failures, sicknesses, all of it. And I am forever grateful. 

As they grow, we will try to make the kids see just how lucky we are to have an amazing village opening up their homes and hearts to us as we survive these first few years. It’s a season people keep telling me. I love everyday and everyday simultaneously exhausts me so. It is such a beautiful, chaotic, nerve racking experience I never could have imagined and believe me I tried. 

Today we had an impromptu visit from a dear friend and it rejuvenated me, I borrowed some spaghetti sauce from a neighbor and it lightened my load, I am so glad for these people who make life a little easier everyday. Golly piffle where would I be without them? Probably a slobbering mess feeding my kids tortelini dry, maybe dipped in salsa eww. 

I digress... My husband is the most generous human I have ever met, he is jovial, he is kind, he is funny, he is sweeter than the sweetest candy you have ever tasted. He makes me want to give everything I own to anyone deserving simply because it’s the right thing to do. He makes me a better human. It’s like he is the mayor of this little village of mine; at least in my eyes he is. We try to return the favor to this little village of ours and beyond... we are kind in our family, we open up our home to any and everyone, I can only hope our littles see it and live this way as they grow into adults. Cheers to trying to make the world a better place- thanks to all of you. 

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