Saturday, January 20, 2018

Apple juice

Why aren’t iPhone chargers called apple juice? I’m so punny, go ahead you can think it, you can say it aloud. Or you can chuckle at me or with me- smile, it gives us life. If I were an iPhone, I got some apple juice this morning. But I’m not, I’m a mama, so I got a mimosa and coffee and conversation ... at brunch... with my mama posse. It was glorious, a wonderful way to recharge my battery.

Prior to having little ones I didn’t fully grasp the concept of how time away from the kids makes you appreciate them more- makes you a better parent. It is so true, so necessary! As we move forward, as this insanity becomes a more manageable reality, we learn, (and I personally am learning) that we need time for us... not just date night, not just work time with other adults- who can bring us out of diapers and nick jr-for some “me” time. Frivolous time essentially misconstrued as unnecessary, but here’s a tip for new moms: IT IS SO INCREDIBLY ESSENTIAL!!!! My husband and I have been trying to give each other some grace as of late, each one biting the bullet and allowing the other to take some time away, because that apple juice is so necessary for life, for a better tomorrow. 

You know what’s funny? I had wonderful conversation at brunch, finally, a conversation with a super intelligent group of women about concepts, ideas, our personal history, and every single topic of conversation came back to the babies, to the center of our worlds! Shows our love, right? Shows our insanity as mamas, we crave that time away to recharge yet our minds are never fully away. Here’s my question, does it ever go away? The feeling of being pulled in a million directions? I heard it gets worse once the kids are grown and not needing you 100%, once they move out and the worry is not just about a scraped knee or sticking their little hands in the toilet, but of driving, parties, bills, etc. Golly piffle life is rough.
One of my mentors tells me to worry is to not have faith. So I try not to worry but wow it’s difficult. Another one of my mentors has her kids spread out all over the world and I can’t imagine her worry, yet she encouraged them to conquer the world. What love these women have for their grown children. I strive to be more like them everyday. AND remind myself to get some apple juice- or orange juice & champagne... because as my very first mentor in life told me before I went to college: everything in moderation. It has stuck with me, food, alcohol, kids, dance- everything in moderation. Where would I be without these women giving me the keys to the world?

 I am the luckiest- Ben Folds knew it when he wrote that song. 

So, today, how are YOU going to recharge your battery? Give yourself some grace, give your partner some space, share the love not only for your kids, but for yourself. You matter too. 💋

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