Monday, October 23, 2017

Mommy Time Out

Guys, it happened... yesterday. I had to take a Mommy Time Out.  I felt so guilty as it happened, and I was almost in tears, but that's life, right?

Sundays are for family.
On the seventh day he rested.
Sundays are the day to lounge in your pjs all day.
Lazy Sundays.

These are my thoughts on Sundays.  Yesterday it was a fail.  I was woken up by my potty training preschooler who was DRY for the 6th morning in a row!!! Such a triumphant feat! I was so proud of him, except his celebration woke up his 16 month old teething sister AND his newborn brother! All before Mr. Sun was up. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I am NOT a morning person.  Neither is anyone in our little family.  This particular Sunday it was daddy's turn to sleep in- so I put on my Positive Pants and got my cup of coffee and began our relaxing Sunday.

There must have been something in the air that told all 3 of them to attach to me all morning long.  And I know what you're thinking, this is a short season, enjoy it.  One day they won't want you to read books to them every time you sit on the couch.  They won't want to climb on you and nuzzle their noses in your neck because even the smell of you gives them comfort.  Even as I type this, it makes me nostalgic.  But yesterday was a different story.  And then my sweet baby girl, right before my eyes, opened up the sealed Costco sized hand soap refill jug and spilled it all over my carpet.  I am so glad I was right there and took it away from her before she decided to eat any because that would have made for a very different discussion.  Her plan was was painting with it I learned my lesson that babies are FAST, I was 10 feet away and before I could get to her, the soap suds were imbedded in the carpet fibers.  Needless to say I have yet to get it off the carpet.  Thankfully daddy bathed her and she was happy as could be within minutes.

Mommy was boiling.
I was frustrated with myself for not closing her door so my son wouldn't have woken her so early.
I was frustrated that we were all up so early.
I was frustrated that I hadn't chosen to put the soap refill away first instead of the toilet paper rolls.
I was frustrated that I couldn't get a moment of peace to do my errands.  I was just frustrated.

So, I went on a run.  These have been frustrating on their own lately as I am not as fast as I was, I am not as fast as I'd like to be.  My body is not what it used to be... and I have to remind myself that I have grown three beautiful babies, three miracles, in this tired body.  The last sweet baby was just born 8 weeks ago.  But my patience is also a work in progress.  However, this run wasn't tired, this run was invigorating, the adrenaline was pumping, and the wind on my face gave me life again.

Golly piffle did I need that time, that space, that release of endorphins.

Afterwards, I remembered that I still had those Positive Pants on and thankfully, daddy had taken over, and all was calm and nap time recharged all of us.  By afternoon all was well, everyone was happy and we dressed up for a halloween party as planned.

Let this be a reminder to me, and hopefully you'll remember too, that Mommys need a time out every now and then.  Don't let the guilt consume you, release those endorphins, and hopefully you'll feel like a million bucks again, at least I did.

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