Thursday, November 2, 2017

The holidays are upon us

Back in the day when Linda Eder was my life, she sang a song about Christmas through a child’s eyes. The premise is the change in her from Christmas as she knew it to seeing the holiday through her son’s eyes. I pretended to know what she was talking about, better yet, I wholeheartedly believed I knew what she was talking about- but let’s be real: I had no idea. I babysat and nannied my whole life, but being a parent is a whole different beast. Being a mom is an all consuming task unlike any other, because even when they’re not climbing on you, when they’re not physically present, they’re still on your mind constantly— everything you do has, either directly or indirectly, something to do with your children. That my friends is what I didn’t understand. So, when I listened to and sang along to that song, I didn’t get it. Boy do I get it now.

Halloween is over and in my house that means it’s Christmas with Thanksgiving sprinkled in there -sorta. Yesterday, November 1, the cornucopia came out as did the snow village... (which is the grown up disguised way I still get to play Polly Pockets). And wow, the magic of Christmas is upon our house! Their excitement is uncanny and so beautiful to witness. 

Two years ago we wrapped my son’s presents in tissue paper, my mother in law’s brilliant idea, he was only 18 months-ish and it was easier to open the presents. He was more interested in said tissue paper than the presents themselves. Last Christmas, Santa became a thing. He was in awe of the Melissa and Doug kitchen we spent way too many hours assembling, and the true magic of Christmas began. This year WOW it’s going to be amazing. He is now 3.5 and our daughter is 17 months, she is into anything and everything big brother does. So I have a feeling it’s going to be doubly amazing. He will play with toys and she will play with tissue paper and maybe for one or two mornings they will play without fighting? Lol wishful thinking!!! 

Here is my reason for starting Christmas so early, my confession. I wish the magic of Christmas was present year round. People in general are nicer in the holiday season. People focus on the spirit of giving, on being kind, kids pay attention to Santa watching them. It is a kinder society we live in for this magical season. So in my book if it can happen for November and December, that’s at least 1/6 of the year that we can smile more, and the littles can believe more. 

Our elf, Snow, will be making his way to our house December 1 and we (parents aka grown up children) are ecstatic. My husband was solely in charge of Snow and his antics last year- it was marvelous! I didn’t have to worry about it! Snow was naughty and creative and silly and I got to see all of that magic through my son’s eyes. 

So thank you Linda Eder, Christmas through a child’s eyes now makes more sense in my heart and brings tears to my eyes. I hope I can always remember these beautiful childhood memories they are making because sometimes my heart is beaming so huge I’m afraid my chest will burst. Golly piffle I didn’t imagine I’d love anyone as much as I love this little (err big) family of mine! 

Bring on the holiday season!!!!!! 

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