If every person who has been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote "Me too" as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.
I didn't think it would and honestly I had to think long and hard to even include myself in the "me too" list. I am so grateful for that. My parents kept me in a pretty sheltered environment through my childhood, then by some stroke of luck, God, whatever you want to call it, I survived college unscathed. Then, the more I kept thinking about it, I have been affected, but maybe I've been conditioned it because it's happened so often or for so long. In my opinion, every woman has been harassed, maybe not assaulted, but every woman has been at least harassed. Think about it, walking by a construction zone getting whistled at, catcalled, and then the kicker- getting called names when you ignore them! Because YES, all every female wants every morning is to wake up and pick up a guy who is whistling at her and making her feel uncomfortable- like an animal in a zoo, or worse- ... anyway, something's gotta change... and it's NOT the way females dress, it's NOT the way women present themselves. It's human decency.
Everyday we thrive to teach our kids how to live polite-ly and to learn how to proper-ly behave. Children learn that at such a young age, well, golly piffle, if every adult would abide by those simple rules:
we might live in a better world. There are no exceptions to decent behavior, no matter who you are, where you're from, what you do, how much money you have: we are all human beings sharing this earth. Why not treat each other as we'd like to be treated or BETTER?!
*off my soap box-- for now*
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