Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day

Every day should be mother’s day. Women in all walks of life are mother’s. My little E is 23 months and she is a mama to baby W, she gives him his bottle, claps for him, tells him to jump. It is the sweetest thing. She also carries her baby dolls around like they’re real ... it is innate, I believe. We all need a pet of some sort pre-kids, whether that pet is a fur baby, a needy partner, a job or merely an obsession. So we should celebrate this. Necessity is the mother of creation (and creativity in my book)... without women, this world wouldn’t be where it is. 

Behind every great man is a woman. Duh. We are all mothers. Today, let’s celebrate every type of mama. I will raise my mimosa, coffee, wine, Diet Coke, whatever, glass to all of you. To all of us. 

Enjoy this day. Try to at least as most of us know it won’t be a “day off”, but just another day. 

Golly piffle like I said. Mother’s Day should be everyday! 

Love to your mother! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

If nothing is going right...

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing is going your way? Yesterday was one of those days over here. The baby has a cold, he is not sleeping. So mama isn’t sleeping. After a sleepless night, every little thing gets me, it’s like the world is a conspiracy against me. Lucky me though, my husband took today off so he stayed up with baby last night. And golly p, he is a much better sport than I am! Maybe it’s because he has a better disposition ... thank goodness for him. 

Today I remembered, “when nothing is going right— GO LEFT” and that I did today. It was a much better day, I got a lot accomplished, I felt good by the end of it.   I have to constantly remind myself that life will not always be this physically demanding. That these littles will one day be much more self sufficient, and that then the challenges will be of a different sort. More mind games or so I’m told. 

Speaking of mind games, I have a tendency of playing those myself. I am what we label as a “worry wart”. Always have been probably always will be. E has had speech therapy since she was 1 month old. Let’s be honest, her first appointment was at about 36 hours old at the hospital. Babies? Speech therapy? Mind blown. But yes. And it has been frustrating for me at almost every turn. Not because she’s not capable, but the expectation seems to be just out of our reach every time. Every milestone seems to be a little farther away than what we are wanting at that time. But today, we visited a good friend and got a second opinion and they eased my mind in such a way that, for today at least, my mind games have quieted and I am hopeful. She is a warrior princess and surprises us at every turn, always has and I believe always will... but this made my demons recede and my hopes and dreams shine for her. Because after all, she goes left all the time when nothing else seems to be going right. That’s who she is, she has that disposition. They all do- they got it from their daddy. Thank goodness for him. 

So let’s all go left tomorrow because it’s a new day and isn’t it all about perspective? Or our reaction? I say, let’s allow positivity to rule the roost, even if for one day. We gotta start somewhere. 💋